Instituto Politécnico Nacional Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas
Laboratorio de Termodinámica
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20th ANNIVERSARY (1997-2017)
Thermodynamics Laboratory with applications to Supercritical Fluids Processes
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Faculty of Thermodynamics Laboratory
(Luis A. Galicia-Luna, Jose Javier Castro Arellano)

Dr. Luis Alejandro Galicia Luna

(Head of Thermodynamics Laboratory)

Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel III
Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias

Research Projects

  • Creation of a data bank (with measurements at the Lab. From 1996 to 2010)
A. Systematic Study of pure fluids and mixtures containing CO2 + alkanols Financial support by Conacyt No. 26432-A
B. Systematic Study of PvT, Phase equilibria, and critical points properties of mixtures containing H2O and alkanols up to 100 MPa and 550 ºC. (in development) Financial support by Conacyt-NSF No. C-30042-U
C. Systematic Study of PvT, Phase equilibria, and critical points properties of mixtures containing H2O, alkanols and CO2 up to 100 MPa and 550 ºC; (2001-2005)  
D. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of carotene from the “cempasuchitl” flower and “poblano” chili (2002-2012)  
E. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of sulfur compounds from Mexican oil cuts (2001-2015)  
F. New separation processes in chemical engineering by Gas hydrate formation phenomenon (2011 - )  
G. Solubilities of solids and solid mixtures en supercritical solvents (2002-2006)

Financial Support by Conacyt No. 41474

H. Development of new equations of state (2003-2015)  
F. New capillary viscometer for liquids (pure and mixtures) and experimental determination of liquid viscosities up to 40 MPa and 423 K (2012 - ) Financial Support by Conacyt
Infrastructure and available equipments

Dr. Jose Javier Castro Arellano

Dr. Jose Javier Castro Arellano

(TC y E)

Research projects

  1. .

Financial Support


IPN-ESIQIE, Laboratorio de Termodinámica
Edificio Z, 1er. Piso Sección 6, UPALM, C.P. 07738
Tel. (52 55) 5729 6000 Ext. 55133
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