Instituto Politécnico Nacional Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas
Laboratorio de Termodinámica
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20th ANNIVERSARY (1997-2017)
Thermodynamics Laboratory with applications to Supercritical Fluids Processes
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  1. Experimental determination of thermodynamic and volumetric properties, phase equilibria, excess properties, etc., of binary and multicomponent mixtures and of supercritical fluids at pressures up to 100 MPa and temperatures up to 673 K.of interest in the processes of the chemical, biotechnology and petroleum industries (improved recovery, petrochemical and refining industries) (1997 -).

  2. Experimental determination of transport properties such as viscosities, and diffusivity, of binary and multicomponent mixtures and of supercritical fluids, at pressures up to 100 MPa and temperatures up to 673 K (2003 -).

  3. Development of models of state and mathematical models, using classic thermodynamics and mechanical statistic, to calculate or to predict thermodynamic properties and multiphase equilibria of polar and nonpolar fluids (1996 -).

  4. Development of new supercritical fluid extraction processes in the chemical, biotechnology and petroleum industries (improved recovery, refining and petrochemical industries). (2000 -).

  5. Formation of human resources to develop processes by supercritical fluids.
IPN-ESIQIE, Laboratorio de Termodinámica
Edificio Z, 1er. Piso Sección 6, UPALM, C.P. 07738
Tel. (52 55) 5729 6000 Ext. 55133
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