Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Organizing Committee


Plenary Lectures


Technical Program

Scientific Committee

Publication of the Proceedings

Special Advanced Courses

Fechas límite:

Recepción de resúmenes: 20 de FEBRERO del 2008
notificación de la aceptación de trabajos: 3 de MARZO del 2008
recepción de los trabajos en extenso: 24 de MARZO del 2008

On-line Submission Papers

If you experience any problem sending your full paper through this format please register only your abstract on this web page and send the full paper version by e-mail to Luis A. Galicia-Luna.

To revise a previous submission, please type in its password below, and press the ENTER button.

Use the fields below to make your submission. Follow the instructions, and then use the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form.
* Title of Submission:
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Contact Information:
* First name: * Last name:
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* Phone: Fax:
* Email: URL:

Submit Manuscript:

Your submission must be in one of the following document formats.

  • Microsoft WORD (doc)

Please send your abstract or full paper as a Word file. The CD-ROM of the VII SYMPOSIUM of the E.S.I.Q.I.E. 2008 Conference will contain the full manuscripts. Summary submission is prefered in Microsoft WORD format (*.doc)

Format specifications for abstract submission: Please enter here

Make sure the file's name has the proper MIME extent associeated with its document type. In other words, if your manuscript is typeset in pdf or doc, it coul have a name such as "mypaper.doc".

  • The file can also be compressed in any standar format, with its appropriate MIME extent (eg., ps.gz for gzipped postscript, etc.)
  • Find the file containing your submission:

    If you experience any problem sending your abstract or full paper through the web page please send it by e-mail to Luis A. Galicia-Luna. Please indicate your submission category on the message.

    Submission Category:
    Please enter the category under which the submission should be reviewed.
    Submission Type:


    Recommendations for contributions

    Submission Papers On-line

    Registration and Fees

    Forms of Payment



    Changue Language: Spanish

    For questions and information: Luis A. Galicia-Luna (Chairman)


    © Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas
    Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos Edif. 6, 7 y 8 Zacatenco C.P 07738 México, D.F.
    Tel. 5729 6000

    Recommended screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels
    Web Design by Nayeli JG