Forms of Payment
Payment can be made by cash or by check drawn to ESIQIE-IPN . Students will have to produce an identification card from their respective institutions, they will receive a document proving their inscription.
Receipt of the payments will be provided which have to be presented on registering for the corresponding event (to be defined...)
Only officially registered participants will receive a copy of the Proceedings of the Symposium, at no extra charge.
The Proceedings will be edited before the event and will be distributed to the participants at the registration place. Additional copies will be available for non-registered persons for $ 250.00 mexican pesos, to be paid at the above-mentioned Checkin Center. The distribution will be made after the presentation of the corresponding receipt (date to be defined) taking contact with Pr. Luis A. Galicia Luna: Graduados - ESIQIE , Laboratorio de Termodinámica Edif. "Z", 1er Piso, Secc. 6, Zacatenco, UPALM, México, D.F., 07738 Tel: 5729-6000, ext. 55133, 55282, 55294, Fax :5729-6000 ext. 55282, or 5586-2728.
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