Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas Instituto Politécnico Nacional

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"CO2 Capture and Sequestration : A Major Concern for the Future of the Planet.
Kinetics and Phase Equilibrium Aspects"

Dominique Richon

Mines Paris, ParisTech, CEP-TEP. CNRS FRE 2861, 35 rue Saint Honoré, 77305 Fontainebleau – France, 331-64-69-49-65, e-mail :

Safe energy supply is a major challenge in the world where energy demand may increase by more than 50 percent by 2030. Reducing the global gap between the rich and the poor is indeed essential; consequently developing countries must be allowed accessing to energy.
Fossil fuels will, according to what we know today, have great importance – approximately 80 percent of total energy. An overriding challenge is to ensure the most environmentally friendly production and use of fossil fuels. The EU “policy packages” implementing European energy policies in key areas address energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy technologies (including Carbon Capture and Storage CCS). Successful full-scale CCS is necessary to reach common goals on emission reductions. Some major challenges to large scale commercial deployment of CCS must be dealt with. CO2 capture technology has not yet been applied to full scale power plants. The costs of CCS have to be brought down so that the technology can be made sufficiently accessible to make a difference globally.

Important types of data necessary to design efficient processes (pre-combustion, oxy- combustion, post-combustion), for transportation and to guarantee security of storage will be reviewed. Experimental techniques available or new one required to study speciation in details will be discussed. The two aspects related to Equilibria and to Kinetics will be examined. Modelling of complex systems will be considered.

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Para mayor información: Luis A. Galicia-Luna (Chairman)


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