V Simposium Internacional ESIQIE - IPN
Llevado a cabo en la ciudad de México del
26 al 28 de Mayo de 2002
Para resolver los problemas inherentes a los procesos mundiales
de globalización económica y particularmente como miembro
del tratado de libre comercio de Norte América (México - Canada
- Estados Unidos), México debe responder a este cambio dentro de
sus campos industriales. La Ingeniería Química y la Ingeniería
Metalúrgica de México son engranes de la industria de la transformación
hacia el desarrollo de recursos humanos y nuevos procesos, y en el mejoramiento
de los procesos antiguos para obtener procesos de protección ecológica
que sean optimizados y competitivos. Con base en lo anterior, la Escuela
Superior de Ingeniería Química (ESIQIE) e Industrias Extractivas
del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, organizó su primer simposio
en Octubre de 1993, la Segunda edición en Mayo de 1996, La tercera
edición en Mayo de 1998 y la cuarta edición en Mayo del 2000.
Tanto Expertos nacionales como internacionales en los campos
académicos e industrial han participado en estos cuatro eventos.
Siguiendo el mismo marco de trabajo de los anteriores, en el quinto simposio
el estado actual de la Ingeniería Química fue analizado con
el fin de identificar los mayores retos en ambas áreas a corto plazo.
The event will take place from May 29 to May
31, 2002, in Mexico City.
Facing the worldwide process of economical globalization
and particularly as a member of the North American Free Trade Agreement
(Mexico - Canada - United States), Mexico must respond to this change
within her various industrial fields. Mexico's Chemical Engineering and
Metallurgical Engineering are in transformation process geared towards
development of human resources and new processes, and enhancement of
old processes to obtain environmentally safe processes that are optimized
and competitive. Based on the above, the School for Advanced Studies
on Chemical Engineering and Extractive Industries (ESIQIE) of the National
Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, organized its First Symposium in October
1993, the Second edition in May 1996, the Third edition in May 1998,
and the fourth edition in May 2000. Both national and international experts
in academic and industrial fields have participated to all of these four
events. Following the same framework of the previous ones, in the Fifth
Symposium the current State of the Art on Chemical Engineering Technology
will be analyzed in order to identify major challenges to be faced in
both areas in the short term. PROGRAM, SYMPOSIUM 2000, (The last symposium
Ia - Short Courses, Tuesday May 28, 2002
9:00 – 11:00, K. Hall, U. of Texas A&M, U.S.A.
"Calculating Phase Equilibria"
Ib - Short Courses, Thursday May 30, 2002
18:15 – 20:15, J. Gmehling, U. of Oldenburg, Germany,
“Synthesis of separation processes with the help of sophisticated thermodynamic
II - INDUSTRIAL FORUM: May 29, 30 and 31, 2002
Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet of Instituto Politécnico
Nacional (near Col. Lindavista)
Spaces will be available for Companies that wish to present equipment
and machinery related with the topics of the symposium.
Companies interested, please contact: M. C., MIGUEL ANGELES HERNANDEZ a (5)
729-6000, ext. 55099, 55100
Mayo 30, 18:00 – 19:30 hrs, SALON B
III - SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM: May 29, 30 and 31, 2002
Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet of Instituto Politécnico Nacional
(near Col. Lindavista)
Wednesday May 29,
“Thermodynamics Session "In honor of Prof. Stanley I. Sandler”
For the first time, The School of Chemical Engineering and Extracting
Industries of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico will honor
one of its prestigious international guests. Pr. Stanley I. Sandler from
the University of Delaware has been selected for this occasion.
Only contributions in this section and related papers presented at the
Symposium will be published as full original articles in a special issue
of Fluid Phase Equilibria. Guest Editors : Pr.
Theo W. de Loos, Pr. Dominique Richon and Pr.
Luis A. Galicia-Luna.
9:00 – 9:30, ESIQIE Homage Lecture, Introduction by
N.L. Díaz Ramírez, Director ESIQIE – IPN México
T. W. De Loos - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
D. Richon, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
G. N. Escobedo-Alvarado, Dupont, U.S.A.
L. A. Galicia-Luna, ESIQIE - IPN, México
Chairs: H. V. Kehiaian, G.N. Escobedo, T. W. De Loos, D. Richon
9:30 - 10:15, Prof. S. I. Sandler U. of Delaware, U.S.A. (Opening Lecture)
10:15 - 10:30, Coffee Break
Chairs: A.S. Teja, H. V. Kehiaian
10:30 - 11:00, J. Gmehling, U. of Oldenburg, Germany
“Potential of Thermodynamic Tools (Group Contribution
Methods, Factual Data Bank ) for the Development of Chemical Processes”
11:00 - 11:30, P. T. Cummings, U. of Tennessee, U.S.A.
“Molecular Modeling and Computational Chemistry in Process
and Product Design”
11:30 – 12:00, Juan J. de Pablo, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
“Thermophysical Properties of Polymeric Systems in Nanoscopic
12:00 –12:10, Coffee Break
Oral communications, Chair: K. Hall
12:10 –12:25 C. Bouchot*, J. de la Cruz de Dios y L. A. Galicia-Luna,
New PrT Measurements up to 70 MPa for the System CO2+Propane
Between 298 K and 343 K at Near Critical Compositions
12:25 –12:40 R. B. Tôrres, F. M. Favoretto, A. Z. Francesconi*
y P. L. O. Volpe, (Brasil)
Excess Molar Volume of Binary Mixtures of Acetonitrile with
1-Alkanols at Different Temperatures and Application of the ERAS-Model
12:40 –12:55 D. Richon*y S. Laugier, (France)
Thermodynamic and transport property calculations from volumetric
properties using artificial neural networks
14:00 – 16:00, Lunch
Chairs: J. Gmehling, T. W. De Loos
16:00 – 16:25, A. S. Teja, Georgia Tech., U.S.A.
“Continuous Hydrothermal Synthesis of Oxide Nanoparticles”
16:25 – 16:50, R. Wellek, National Science Foundation, U.S.A.
“Advanced Materials and NanoTechnology--the Role of Chemical
Engineering Concepts in NSF Projects”
16:50 –17:15, J. F. Brennecke, U. of Notre Dame, U.S.A.
“Supercritical CO2 for the extraction of metals”
17:15 – 17:40, K. Hall, U. of Texas A&M, U.S.A.
“Efficient Application of the Gibbs Minimization Method
for Any Number of Components or Phases”
17:40 - 17:50, Coffee Break
Chairs: J. Magee, D. Richon
Oral communications
17:50 - 18:05 Abel Zúñiga-Moreno*, Luis A. Galicia-Luna,
Amyn S. Teja, (México, USA)
Solubility of phenols in Supercritical solvents
18:05 - 18:20 Kai Fischer*, Michael Wilken y Jürgen Gmehling, (Germany)
The Effect of Gas Pressure on the Melting Behavior of Compounds
18:20 - 18:35 J. C. Sanchez-Ochoa*, M. E. Ewing, (United Kingdom)
Vapour pressures of n-octane determined by comparative ebulliometry
18:35 - 18:50 C. Bouchot*, J. de la Cruz de Dios, E. de la Rosa Vidal
y L. A. Galicia-Luna, (Mexico)
High Pressure PrT Measurements: Characteristics of a Vibrating
Tube Densimeter-based Apparatus and new data of the CO2 + Ethanol Mixture
18:50 - 19:05 Rafael Eustaquio-Rincón y Arturo Trejo*, (Mexico)
High-pressure experimental studies and correlation of extraction
of solids with a supercritical solvent
Thursday, May 30, 2002
Chairs: J. C. Holste, E. Brignole
9:30 –10:00, T. W. De Loos - Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
“High-Pressure Phase Behaviour of Systems with Polymers
and Supercritical Gases”
10:00 –10:25, H. V. Kehiaian, Université Paris VII, CNRS,
"Emerging tools for the web-based access to physico-chemical
property data"
10:25 –10:50, J. W. Magee, NIST, Boulder USA
“Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Gas Mixtures”
10:50 – 11:15, D. Richon, Ecole de Mines de Paris, France.
"Solubility of aromatic compounds in aqueous solutions
-Study of several physical parameters- Experimental methods and results"
11:15 –11:25, Coffee Break
Chairs: K. Fischer, P.M. Mathias
Oral communications
11:25 –11:40 E. M. Moctezuma Navarro*, (Mexico)
Modelling polymer – solvent mixtures with neural network
coupled to equation of state
11:40 –11:55 Ivan E. Jacobo-Herrera, J. Morales, R. Olayo, G.
J. Cruz y M. G. Olayo, (Mexico)
Synthesis of polyaniline by RF pulsed glow discharges
11:55 –12:10 E. M. Moctezuma Navarro y C. Hansmann Aguilar*, (Mexico)
Comparative analysis of equations of state and methods of calculation
in thermodynamic of polymers
12:10 –12:25 C. Bouchot*, E. de la Rosa Vidal y L. A. Galicia-Luna,
Calibration model for a High Pressure Vibrating Tube Densimeter
and PrT Measurements up to 70 MPa for various reference fluids and
application to the CO2 + 2-Propanol Mixture
12:25 –12:40 Ricardo Macías-Salinas*, Fernando García-Sánchez
y Guadencio Eliosa-Jiménez, (Mexico)
An equation-of-state-based viscosity model for non-ideal liquid
12:40 –12:55 Verónica Serrano-Cocoletzi, Luis A. Galicia-Luna*,
Octavio Elizalde-Solis (Mexico)
Solubility of Thiophene and Benzothiophene in Supercritical
Carbon Dioxide from 313 to 353 K
12:55 –13:10 María Esther Rebolledo Libreros y Arturo Trejo*,
Blends of alkanolamines: an alternative to improve the gas
sweetening processes
13:10 –13:25 Rosa H. Chávez, Javier de J. Guadarrama y
Ricardo Macías-Salinas, (Mexico)
A high efficiency brass gauge structured packing: experimental
13:25 –13:40 Verónica Uribe-Vargas y Arturo Trejo*, (Mexico)
Solvent Selection for Physical Separation of Nitrogen from
Hydrocarbon Streams (Mexico)
13:40 –13:55 Carlos Gustavo Pérez Martínez, Oscar
Jiménez-Aquino, Manuel Sánchez-Rubio y Enrique Aguilar-Rodríguez,
Propuesta de un modelo matemático para determinar las
fases líquido-vapor de hidrocarburos
14:00 – 16:00, Lunch
Chairs: J. F. Brennecke, D. Richon
16:00 – 16:25, M. Frenkel, NIST, Boulder CO, U.S.A.
“Thermophysical and Thermochemical Property Data Dynamic
Evaluation: Concept and Reality”
16:25 –16:50, E. Brignole, Plapliqui, Argentina
“Phase Equilibrium Engineering of Supercritical Reactors”
16:50 –17:15, J. C. Holste, U. of Texas A&M, U.S.A.
“Use of Adsorption Measurements to Study Surface Energies
in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures”
17:15 – 17:40, P. M. Mathias, Aspen Tech., U.S.A.
“Simulation of Direct HI Decomposition from H2O/HI/I2
Solutions in Thermochemical Water” Splitting
17:40 - 18:00, CONCLUSIONS (Thermodynamics session)
17:40 - 17:50, Coffee Break (Symposium)
Friday, May 31, 2002
Chair: M. A. Valenzuela
9:30 –10:20, B.C. Gates, UC Davis, USA
“Investigation of Working Catalysts: Understanding the
Role of a Support as a Ligand”
10:20 - 10:30, Coffee Break
Chair: R. Limas-Ballesteros
Oral communications; Chemical and Metallurgic Processes, Materials,
Simulation and Transport Phenomena
10:30 –10:45 Ricardo Macías-Salinas y Victor Martínez
Ortiz, ADP II:
A Computational Package for the Design of Gas Adsorption Columns
10:45 –11:00 J. J. Castro Arellano, I. Hernández Pérez,
R. Torres Robles
Influencia de la succión y soplado sobre perfiles de
concentración en un cilindro permeable horizontal ( convección
11:00 –11:15 Rosa Laura Meraz Cabrera y Armando Domínguez
New formula for estimating the combustion enthalpy of municipal
solid waste
11:15 –11:30 T. Poznyak, B. Araiza G., J. L. Mayorga Vera y E.
Arias Torres,
Residual Water Treatment in Tanning’s Process by Ozonation
11:30 –11:45 M. . G. Miranda Pascual, L. De Pablo Galán,
M. L. Chávez Garcia, R. Monsalvo Vázquez,
Stability and Monte Carlo simulation of the (Mg2+) shale-water
11:45 –12:00 C. Barrera-Díaz, M. Palomar-Pardavé,
M. Romero-Romo, G. Soto y S. Martínez,
The use of thermodynamic analysis on the removal of Cr(VI)
process: optimization and simulation
12:00 –12:15 J. J. Castro Arellano, I. Hernández Pérez,
R. Torres Robles
Influencia de la succión y soplado sobre perfiles de
concentración en un cilindro permeable horizontal ( convección
12:10 - 12:20, Coffee Break
Chair: Christian Bouchot
Oral communications; Chemical and Metallurgic Processes, Materials,
Simulation and Transport Phenomena
12:20 –12:35 R. Monsalvo Vázquez, L. De Pablo Galán,
M. L. Chávez Garcia, M. G. Miranda Pascual,
Experimental and simulation Monte Carlo of the (Ca2+) shale-water
12:35 –12:50 Vázquez B. L., Sánchez C. E. M. y Zavala
S. R. G.,
Design of a Drawing Process of ASTM a 407 Wire Without Intermediate
12:50 –13:05 Jaime Vite-Torres, Andrés Díaz-Calva,
Manuel Vite-Torres y Carmen Carreño de León,
Application of coupled thermostatted columns in civil engineering
and for leaching heavy metals of wastes from foundry sands and mining
13:05 –13:20 S. Ponce, M. E. Gutiérrez y L. R. Tovar
Valor económico tentativo de algunos recursos naturales
utilizados por Exportadora de Sal, S.A. de C.V. en la producción
de sal mediante evaporación solar en Guerrero Negro, Baja California
Sur, México
13:20 –13:35 J. Javier Castro Arellano, Gabriel Ángel Salinas
Rosales, Carlos Díaz Hernández,
Caída de presión en un tubo de Zircaloy calentado
13:35 –13:50 Claudia Aranda, Marco-Antonio Saldaña, Laura
Meraz y Armando Domínguez,
Wettability effect on the methane production in landfill: experimental
13:50 –14:05 Enrique Lemus Fuentes
Método para determinar la distribución de frecuencias
en la transición vítrea en alimentos
14:05 –14:20 Eloy Vázquez Labastida, Arturo Nogués
Roldán, Manuel Salmón Salazar y Carlos Damián Zea
Obtención de biodiesel
14:20 –14:35 Carlos Díaz Hernández; Gabriel Salinas
Rosales y J. Javier Castro Arellano
Programa de estudios experimentales en transferencia de calor
Chair: M.A. Valenzuela
Oral communications; Petroleum Refining, Catalysis and Reactor Engineering
10:30 –10:50 E. M. Moctezuma Navarro*,
A neural – kinetic equation for the subcritical and supercritical
water oxidation of phenol
10:50 –11:10 Mario Enrique Arias Villanueva,
Reducción del contenido de compuestos de azufre de gasolinas
11:10 –11:30 J. Castro Arellano, I. Hernández-Pérez,
A. Torres Ponce, J. Aguilar Pliego, M. Moran Pineda, M. Valenzuela Zapata
y J. Contreras Larios,
Reduction of NOX with NH3 and O2 over CuSO4/ZrO2 catalyst
11:30 –11:50 Mario Enrique Arias Villanueva,
Reducción del contenido de NOX en gases de combustión
11:50 –12:10 Jin-an Wang, Cheng-lie Li y Octavio Novaro,
Studies of hydroisomerization catalyst: Activity, selectivity;
deactivation and regeneration
12:10 - 12:20, Coffee Break
Chair: Jin-an Wang
Oral communications; Petroleum Refining, Catalysis and Reactor Engineering
12:20 –12:40 Mario Enrique Arias Villanueva,
Hidrogenación Selectiva de Deshidrolinalool utilizando
membranas catalíticas de Pd y Pd-metales
12:40 –13:00 Eloy Vázquez Labastida, Rosario Olguin, Manuel
Salmón, Jorge Cárdenas y Carlos Damián,
New route for the tetraphenylfuran synthesis using a superacid
sulfonic clay (SASC) as catalyst
13:00 –13:20 Mario Enrique Arias Villanueva,
Conversión catalítica del isopropanol sobre nuevos
catalizadores de ortofosfatos de Zirconio
13:20 –13:40 Eloy Vázquez Labastida, Carlos Damián
Zea y Álvaro de Jesús Cruz,
Catalizadores sólidos ácidos y su futuro
13:20 –13:40 Pastor Rivero
Modeling of polymerization up to high conversion with chain-length-dependent
14:00 – 16:00, Lunch
Chair: J. J. Castro Arellano
Oral communications; Education in Chemical Engineering
16:00 –16:20 Ma. Del Rosario Dávalos Gutiérrez,
Hortensia Dávalos Gutiérrez, César G. Gómez
Didactical Resources Evolution (La Evolución de los
Recursos Didácticos)
16:20 –16:40 María Irma Martha Covarrubias Silva, Blanca
Zamora Celis y Martha Patricia Aguirre Jones,
Estudio comparativo de los modelos educativos teóricos
y los que se emplean en las instituciones de educación superior
en México, que imparten la carrera de Ingeniería Química
16:40 –17:00 Frida Gisela Ortiz Uribe
El desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento en estudiantes
de ingeniería: propuesta de integración
17:00 –17:20 Martha Patricia Aguirre Jones, Blanca Zamora Celis,
Carolina Manrique Nava y María Irma Martha Covarrubias Silva
Análisis de la política institucional en materia
de inclusión de la computadora en el aula
17:20 –17:40 Mara Maricela Trujillo-Flores, María de la
Luz Valderrábano Almegua, René Hernández Mendoza,
¿Por qué la evaluación de las instituciones
de educación superior es un proceso complejo?
17:40 –18:00 María de la Luz Valderrábano Almegua,
Rene Hernández Mendoza y Mara Maricela Trujillo Flores,
Modelo de formación metodológica para maestros
en ciencias
18:00 - 18:10, Coffee Break
18:15 Closing Ceremony
Comments, questions about this page or Symposium send
Luis A. Galicia-Luna, lgalicial@ipn.mx
INFORMATION: Pyramids, 1, 2, Guide, Climate, Accommodation, Mexico city
To read the Spanish version click here VERSION EN ESPAÑOL
- Special issue of Fluid Phase Equilibria
- Recommendations
- Deadlines, Registration and Fees
- Contacts and Submitting papers
Nestor L. Diaz Ramirez |
Dominique Richon |
Luis A. Galicia Luna |
Director of the E.S.Q.I.E., Co-Chairman |
Co - Chairman |
Chairman |
Antonio Romero Serrano, Roberto Limas Ballesteros, J.
Manuel Bernal García, J. Guillermo Sampayo Hernández.
- R. Wellek - NSF, USA
- D. Richon - ECOLE DES MINES DE PARIS, France
- K. Fischer - U. OF OLDENBURG, Germany
- J. Gmehling - U. OF OLDENBURG, Germany
- H. V. Kehiaian - UNIVERSITE PARIS VII, CNRS, France
- G. N. Escobedo Alvarado - DUPONT, USA.
- T. W. de Loos - U. of DELFT, Netherlands
- G. A. Iglesias Silva – Tec. de Celaya, Mexico
- L. A. Galicia-Luna - SEPI-ESIQIE
- H. J. Dorantes Rosales - SEPI-ESIQIE
- J. A. Romero Serrano - SEPI-ESIQIE
The technical Committee will accept works considered to contribute
to the advancement of the professional practice or academic development
within the following topics:
- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Environmental Engineering, Energy, Process,
Thermodynamics and Transport Phenomena, Supercritical Fluids, Catalysis
and Reactor Engineering, Polymers, Process Simulation, Gas Processing,
Petroleum Refining, Petrochemicals, Optimization and Control, Quality,
Productivity and other related fields.
- METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING: Metallurgical Processes, Material processing,
Material Characterization and other related fields.
The Symposium will include:
Plenary Lectures
Technical Sessions and Industrial Forum
Cultural Activities
Publication of the Proceedings
Special Advanced Courses (in English) will be also given on May 28 and
29, 2002, each course will take between 2 and 4 hours.
Spaces will be available for Companies that wish to present equipment
and machinery related with the topics of the symposium. Companies interested,
please contact: M. C., MIGUEL ANGELES HERNANDEZ a (5) 729-6000, ext.
55099, 55100