Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas Instituto Politécnico Nacional

Organizing Committee


Plenary Lectures


Technical Program

Scientific Committee

Publication of the Proceedings

Special Advanced Courses

Inauguration: "Energy: a look into the future"

Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

Auditorium"A" of the Centro Cultural Jaime Torres Bodet located at the Profesional Unit "Adolfo López Mateos" (Zacatenco)

The Instituto Politecnico Nacional is celebrating the 70th Anniversary of its foundation. With this in mind and as part of the commemorative events, we have these talks with the central topic: "Energy: a look into the future", with the participation of world known experts with highly important points of view on the most relevant aspects and present challenges which will influence the production and energy use in the future, either in the world or our country.

In a short period of time, it is expected a rapid transition. The world population will grow from the present 6 thousand million habitants up to 9 thousand million by the year 2050. These people will live in complex urban centers, which will be highly interconnected, and with higher energy consumption.

The challenges to produce sufficient, clean and safe energy are many and the technology will have to produce a quick and efficient answer to this problems.

The speakers Eng. Rocky Becker and Eng. Miguel Tame, are well known experts in the field and the I.P.N. is honored with their participation. We are sure that their points of view will present a thorough description of the energy topic and will influence the research and engineering design of our academic staff and students.

On behalf of the I.P.N. community and myself, I thank before hand the participation of the Engineers Becker and Tame, their contribution will enhance our celebration.

Plenary Lectures

"A Prospective of the Energy in the year 2030", Eng. Rocky Becker, Vice-president in Production from Exxon-Mobil

"A Prospective of the Oil Refining and Production of Clean Fuels in the year 2015", Eng. Miguel Tame Domínguez, Director of PEMEX-Refinación from Petróleos Mexicanos



Recommendations for contributions

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Spanish Version

For questions and information: Felix F. Betancourt-Cardenas (Assistant Chairman)


© Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas
Unidad Profesional Adolfo López Mateos Edif. 6, 7 y 8 Zacatenco C.P 07738 México, D.F.
Tel. 5729 6000

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