Instituto Politécnico Nacional Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas
Laboratorio de Termodinámica
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20th ANNIVERSARY (1997-2017)
Thermodynamics Laboratory Applied to Supercritical Fluids Processes
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"Simposio Internacional de Ingeniería Química de la ESIQIE (SIMPOQUIMIA) "
"International Symposium of the E.S.I.Q.I.E. (SIMPOQUIMIA) "

SIMPOQUIMIA 2012 was started at 1993, to celebrate the 45 TH Anniversary the foundation of the School of Chemical Engineering and Extracting Industries (ESIQIE) of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional of Mexico (IPN), as "International Symposium of the E.S.I.Q.I.E.". It was created at that time for the Director of the ESIQIE, Ing. Timoteo Pastrana Aponte. Prof. Luis A. Galicia Luna has been chairman from the second Symposium in 1996 and co-chairman Prof. Dominique Richon from 2002, till today. The current state-of-the-art on Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Technology was analyzed by national and international experts in academic and industrial fields in order to identify major challenges to be faced in both areas in the short and long term.
To know more about this history, click here."

The International Symposium of the E.S.I.Q.I.E. is held every two years, organized by the School of Chemical Engineering and Extracting Industries (ESIQIE) of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. This was the first step for the series of Symposiums Conferences reported below, being held periodically:

  • 1st in 1993
  • Second in 1996
  • Third in 1998
  • Fourth in 2000
  • Fifth in 2002
  • Sixth in 2006
  • Seventh in 2008
  • Eighth in 2010
  • Ninth in 2012
  • Tenth in 2014 (may 2014)


    IPN-ESIQIE, Laboratorio de Termodinámica
    Edificio Z, 1er. Piso Sección 6, UPALM, C.P. 07738
    Tel. (52 55) 5729 6000 Ext. 55133


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